Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wind Turbines

Wind energy has been in use as an alternative energy source for a very long time. In order to harness renewable wind energy in earlier times, wind machines were used. Today, wind turbines which are the modern equivalents of wind machines are used for harnessing renewable wind energy.

Wind turbines use wind as an alternative energy source to generate electricity. These machines are installed at heights so that they can capture maximum renewable wind energy. Wind turbines have two or three blades or rotors which are like airplane wings. A low pressure on the downside of the blade is created when wind blows which pulls the blade causing the rotor to move. The moving rotor spins a generator to produce electricity.

Wind turbines can be used to generate electricity from renewable wind energy in three ways. One way to use wind turbines is to install them as stand alone units. In stand alone units, the wind turbines use renewable wind energy to pump water or for communications. Another way of using wind turbines is to connect them with utility power grid. Wind turbines can also be combined with solar cells systems to use the renewable energy sources for several purposes.

Wind turbines can produce electricity from renewable wind energy that can meet the energy requirements of small places. If renewable wind energy has to be used to generate electricity for commercial uses, a large amount of renewable wind energy needs to be captured and converted to electricity.

It is easy to install, use and maintain wind turbines.

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